Sunday, 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!

This year Macronomics is celebrating its third year of existence. The blog started early December 2009.

On that special occasion, we would like to extend our thanks for the support of many and to our growing number of our readers (thanks for your praise). 

To name a few:
We would like to especially thanks Cullen Roche from Pragmatic Capitalism for putting us in the front stage of his great blog. We would also like to extend our thanks to fellow bloggers Juhani Huopainen from MoreLiver's Daily for his encouragements as well as Rom Badilla from Bondsquawk.

We would also like to thanks our good friends from Rcube Global Macro Research for the many interesting conversations we had in 2012 and for the quality of the notes they have authorised us to reproduce. 

We also would like to extend our thanks to our good cross-asset friend, for providing us with his superb insight on the volatility world and some interesting posts as well coming from the numerous interesting exchanges of market views we have had throughout the course of 2012. 

We must as well praise our good credit friend with whom we have exchanged many credit thoughts and predictions (which on many occasions have materialised: bond tenders, skip of calls, debt to equity swaps and more...).

We would also like to thanks Martin Sibileau from A View from the Trenches for his constructive critics (we know some of our posts are too long, we endeavour to behave in 2013!) and the interesting exchanges we had in 2012 as well as for allowing me to quote some of his work on numerous occasions. 

Finally, on personal note, Macronomics would have never come to life without the prior encouragements and the infinite patience from my fiancée Maï.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Macronomics will be back in the new year!

Stay tuned in 2013!


  1. salut Martin, je découvre ton blog suite à ton message sur le blog Aux infos du nain (à propos de la velocity).
    je viendrais "te consulter" de temps en temps.
    merci pour ce partage.

    et Meilleurs voeux et bonne santé pour toi et toi proches.


    1. De rien Yongtai, meilleurs voeux également et bonne santé à toi et tes proches!


