Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

This year Macronomics is celebrating its fifth year of existence. Time flies. The blog started early December 2009.

On that special occasion, we would like to extend our thanks for the support we received on our blogging journey and to our growing number of our readers (thanks for your praise in 2014). 

We would also like to thanks our good friends from Rcube Global Macro Asset Management for their numerous qualitative and quantitative contributions throughout 2014.

We also would like to extend our thanks to our good cross-asset friend "Sormiou" for providing us with his great insights on the subject of volatility and his regular comments, and interesting exchanges we had during the course of 2014.

We are looking forward to hearing more of him in 2015 given the clear potential for more volatility to come in 2015 in that respect.

While we had some good calls and bad calls in 2014, we are please to say that our long duration play in early 2014 was, in retrospect, one of the best we ever made. 

We were indeed part of a small crowd of pundits who had their "macro" right. In fact,  the ETF ZROZ which has been one of the tool we have used to play the trade, is about to end the year as the best performing ETF in the Fixed Income category

We will stop here in blowing our own trumpet given the investment seas can be treacherous indeed and as they say in latin: "Arx Tarpeia Capitoli Proxima" ("one's fall from grace can come swiftly").  

As part of our New Year resolutions for 2015, we endeavor to bring you more "macro" thoughts using of course our trademark analogies and ramblings. 

As part of your own New Year Resolutions for 2015, we would suggest you make one to be to interact more with us on our posts via comments or via Twitter in 2015. Don't be shy next year! We are therefore looking forward to hearing more from you, dear readers, in 2015.

Anyway, it's Turkey time and Santa Claus time, thanks again to all of you for following us. 

We wish you all and your families a Happy New Year in advance.


"It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love" - Molière

Stay tuned in 2015 for more of our ramblings!

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