Allied Irish CDS Sub, you know the score from the previous post (Source CMA DataVision):

Anglo Irish CDS Sub on the 6th of October, can you spell default? (Source CMA DataVision):

and on the 7th of October, this is how it looks like for Anglo Irish Sub...2743.85 bps on the 5 year CDS...300 bps wider!

Debase this! Check out the evolution of the USD since 1971 against:
Japanese Yen:

Have a look at 1985 on the Graph and the huge rise in the Japanese yen following the 1985 Plaza Agreements which spelt economic disaster for Japan and the crash of the Japanese economy and the Nikkei index at the same time. 1985 to 1990, 240 to 120, bring it!
At around 82 JPY per USD I don't expect the BOJ to stay idle...
Swiss Franc:

and the evolution of the US dollar versus the Euro since 1999:

An interesting view of the evolution of Fed Funds Rate since 1950:

And the evolution of Oil prices since 1940:

Gold is continuing its steady rise:

At the same time we have Secretary of Treasury Timothy F. Geithner still gesticulating around China and the ongoing Debasing game taking place. Pathetic...
"The Framework, called the "Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth," was designed to create stronger incentives for rebalancing growth, as the world recovered from the crisis, with higher savings in countries like the United States, complemented by reforms to strengthen domestic demand in surplus countries like China, other emerging economies, Germany, and Japan.
Alongside this "Framework" we agreed to give emerging economies a greater stake in the most important institutions for economic and financial cooperation, to increase the resources available to the international financial institutions, and to make the G-20 the centerpiece of cooperation, replacing the role traditionally played by the G-7."
Dear Tim, I don't think you have a choice in relation "to give emerging economies a greater stake in the most important institutions for economic and financial cooperation." Guess it is a done deal with China, India and Brasil...
"We have moved aggressively to do our part to help bring the world out of crisis. We are working very hard to repair our financial system, to fix what was broken, and to reduce the future risk of financial crises here at home. We have seen a very significant increase in private savings by households. Our external deficit has fallen sharply, and we are financing at home a much larger share of the fiscal deficits we inherited."
Who in the first place put us ALL in this mess? Was letting Lehman Brothers going down a wise decision? I don't think so. In relation to reducing the future risk of financial crisis, I disagree, banks are still too big to fail. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are a joke and should be gradually winded down. The commercial real estate disaster is still an ongoing concern: 129 banks down this year so far and counting.
Hey Tim, where were you working before taking up the role of Secretary of the Treasury? Weren't you president of the New-York Fed from 2003? Were you not in charge of supervising and regulating financial institutions? Great work!
In May 2007, did you not work on reducing the capital needed to run a bank? Great timing! Was the "excellent" Lawrence Summers your mentor previously? It would explain a lot...
Nice one Tim, just like you tried to talk to the Chinese about how safe it was to invest in the US...
"On June 1, 2009, during a question-and-answer session following a speech at Peking University, Geithner was asked by a student whether Chinese investments in U.S. Treasury debt were safe. His reply that they were "very safe" drew laughter from the audience."

Tim, you can always send your CV to your buddy Hank Paulson, I am sure he can help you land a good job at Goldman Sachs...
Tim also added in the same speech:
"That brings me to the second policy challenge: we believe it is very important to see more progress by the major emerging economies to more flexible, more market-oriented exchange rate systems. This is particularly important for those countries whose currencies are significantly undervalued.
This is a problem because when large economies with undervalued exchange rates act to keep the currency from appreciating, that encourages other countries to do the same.
This sets off a damaging dynamic, described first by my former colleague Ted Truman, as "competitive non appreciation." Over time, more and more countries face stronger pressure to lean against the market forces pushing up the value of their currencies. The collective impact of this behavior risks either causing inflation and asset bubbles in emerging economies, or else depressing consumption growth and intensifying short-term distortions in favor of exports.
This is a multilateral problem. It is unfair to countries that were already running more flexible regimes and let their currencies appreciate. And it requires a cooperative approach to solve, because emerging economies individually will be less likely to move, unless they are confident other countries would move with them.
This problem exposes once again the need for an effective multilateral mechanism to encourage economies running current account surpluses to abandon export-oriented policies, let their currencies appreciate, and strengthen domestic demand."
The message is that the US is concerned that everyone is devaluating at the same time and they would like to be the only one playing this game to restore competitiveness. Tim would also love China to explode like Japan did after the 1985 Plaza Agreement. Unfortunately, dear Tim, Chinese are not stupid and are well aware of the risks. If the US hadn't based 70% of its GDP on Consumption and was actually producing more and exporting more, they would not be in such a difficult situation.

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